I am software developer from Stavanger, Norway. My career in this profession started in 1996, and for the most parts I have worked within the Oil & Gas domain, related to Drilling Control & Visualization, Drilling Data management, Seismics, Geodetics, Geophysics and Petrophysics science. My current employment is within Public Transportation and Maritime Industry.

My main focus is within Clojure and Java space, mostly backend with web applications. To some extent I consider myself a more or less dedicated Java developer, but this has somewhat changed from late 2019 when I got an oportunity to focus full-time on Clojure. Stil within the Java JVM echosystem, learning Clojure to a productive level has been a valualbe investment for me, even considering the label 'Java developer'. My plan is to continue that path.

I have had great fun working with Apache Lucene and Elasticsearh, Apache Kafka and a fair ammount of Java Spring framework experience, and web application with Clojure frameworks and libraries. Worth mentioning is Luminus micro framework for web applications, and Reframe "A framework for building Modern Web Apps in ClojureScript. It leverages React, via Reagent". ClojureScript in hypermode for a React javascript experience!


I work with Norled AS, my role here is Software Developer. Main focus is an inhouse web application for vessel management, written entirely in Clojure/Clojurescript and devOps'ed with Kubernetes, utilizing backend datastreams on Kafka.


I support the Free Software Foundation

Free Software Foundation


Born in Stavanger in 1971, and Stavanger was for most parts my home untill 1989. Since then I have been living in Sweden and Texas/US in addition to Norway. Nowdays I live a quiet life in Stavanger where I have my two adult sons close by.


You might have stumbled across my site while looking for my alter ego as a photographer. Please visit www.henning-jansen.com and continue your journey into my imaginary world.

...and then there is more

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